Shabbat Ki Tavo
Shavuah Tov!
Due to health difficulties All in person activities are cancelled until further notice except phone consultations and discussions possible as needed/ desired [928-227-0582]. Newsletter will continue. If we have pleasant Shabbat weather, we can do an early outdoors Shabbat Morning service/torah study. A zoom Kabbalat Shabbat will be every Fri. at 4 pm MST during Daylight Savings Time. call to arrange or get link.
Shabbat Chazon Shalom! At Beit Torah we constantly discuss whether straying from the mitzvot is causing Middle East unrest today...
Devarim 5784 Ethical Will; Deuteronomy [Devarim] 1:1-3:22; Isaiah 1:1-27
Now Moshe was an old and feeble man
With his memory mayhap in part shot -
Of his days, they all seemed like yesterday,
So the Devarim Book is what we got
Eleven days from Horeb, Dead Sea south,
In the Aravah rift, words from Moshe's mouth:
A recap of forty long desert years;
With fair minded judges appointed per plan;
With wise leaders chosen to pave the way
Despite fights and gripes which seemed quite a lot,
Such as calumnies gossip from the spies
So save for Caleb and Josh, all must die...
Eleven days? With families and flocks?
Or by straight hard riding without a stop?
Yet where was Horeb, volcanic Mount Sinai?
Today's Sinai desert active then? NOT!
An Arabian area was why -
Likely called Sinai where Torah was got!
Was it written later in Moshe’s name
Using newer, good language per each jot?
Hot off the press to help Hilkiah teach
A return to the Laws that all might reach?
The bloody taking of the Promised Land
With the slaughter of all its native folk
Was perhaps the end goal that Moshe planned,
But in truth not all local folk did croak…
The peoples and nations in Devarim and their known names
Are like in Numbers, but not all fights were described the same:
Amalek, Anakim, Sihon and Og come now to mind...
History of lost nations in the Land clearly defined
Before closing words remind that Folk who stayed behind
Agreed in the East to be shock troops for the Western line.
Joshua, as military leader, was charged to trust
That HaShem would battle with him to conquer as they must…
Haftorah, Isaiah third of admonition/ desolation
We now near Tisha B'Av with ben Amotz, Isaiah's first words
To the Kings of Judah during their four reigns
Railing against depravities, iniquities of which he heard
That would cause, if unchecked, desolation pains…
He urged them to fully cleanse themselves and right the wrongs they had done,
Such as by protecting widows and orphans, too…
Or if not, Hashem would bring them low until evil was all gone,
Repentant ones called righteous, Zion redeemed anew…
Further, Eighth Century B.C.E., he did say:
'HaShem feels abandoned by your sinful ways.
Unlike domesticated who with their masters stay,
Your rebellions remind HaShem of other days
When Sodom and Gomorrah were both led astray.
So G!d berates you Folk and clearly to you states
That for objects and sacrifices G!d cares not!
False pieties on Holy Days don't hit the spot!
Just cleanse yourselves of evil doings and do good;
Devote yourselves to Justice to help those in need
Or wronged. You can repent, do mitzvot as you should
So you can be blessed- OR if not, be cursed with speed.
Know too, you must not others judge if you're with crooks.
HaShem punishes enemies despite good looks.
So too for you if you're with unsavory folk...
Those who repent will be righteous leaders - No joke!
Zion, as 'Righteous, Faithful City', will be saved
By repentant survivors with blessed future paved,
With ethical judges and leaders chosen all
To mete out Justice to Folk at every call!'
Shabbat Shalom! How can we comfort the grieving? At Beit Torah we strive to listen and provide comfort as best we can …
Vaetchanan 5784 Shema; Deuteronomy [Devarim] 3:23-7:11; Isaiah 40:1-26
Now Moshe had high hopes when he set out to do his task:
To free Jacob’s descendants and do all HaShem might ask.
Yet the People were quite naughty with idols, gripes, dissent…
They made HaShem quite cross with them nearly everywhere they went.
Moshe begged on their behalf their punishment to prevent …
HaShem, though cross with Moshe’s ways, in the end did relent.
But given G!d's grief over the wayward People's misdeeds,
Moshe twice told the Folk they lost him entry to the Land
By delaying forty years the Jordan's crossing he'd planned.
So he was refused to go over despite all his pleas -
Moshe was then therefore allowed only the Land to see -
To cross the River Jordan and enter was not to be...
With leading fights on Transjordan land, aged Moish could not keep up.
He sorely blamed HaShem, it is said, for keeping him in the East…
Still it was closer to family… Time for Joshua to lead…
Hence, Moshe’s focus was teaching the Law for which there was great need,
Recapping the giving of the Brit by a voice alone, naught seen...
Then No idols could be made of HaShem’s form seen only in dreams;
There amidst a flaming mountain’s groans, dark clouds above,
We were told to add no new laws to our Brit’s gift of love...
In short, Moshe Rabbeinu taught the Folk to follow Laws
In order to achieve life especially in the Land,
To avoid destructions, calamities bad choices cause -
Although HaShem promised no annihilation was planned
While Heaven and Earth witness as us caretakers flub up…
And all again told of three refuge cities in the East…
Moshe exhorted Folk to faithfully learn, study, teach
All the Laws as well as the Brit he put within their reach:
NO idols; NO swearing falsely; NO other deities;
Observe Shabbat: livestock, Folk, servants, strangers to include;
Honor your parents [but only their good behaviours do];
NO murder [not ‘killing’]; NO adultery; NO stealing
[particularly of souls and spirits]; NO covetting;
NO false witnessing! Follow the Brit and all Laws to thrive,
To help prevent calamities as well as stay alive!
These Dvarim terms nearly the same as in Exodus jive
When Folk had Moshe tell HaShem's words so to stay alive!
At this point, to the People, Moshe proclaimed the watchword
Of Shema and VeAhavta as Brit, not command nor prayer.
Then he added on some more exhortations to be heard
Especially by kids so they can understand those words
Giving the history of the Egyptian's marvels seen
Then the fiery thunder of Horeb's Laws could then mean:
When lands are taken, destroy foreign idols, objects, places.
Do not intermarry. Foreign religions: leave no traces…
At times: Folk were told to expel natives; others: kill them there…
This latter’s not the words at Mount Horeb in Sinai sands.
Hence we now ask: What did they do when they entered the Land?
Haftorah Nachamu, Isaiah 40:1-26
Bloody dramas of this portion along with the good, too,
Leave us a bit unsettled. What history should we rue?
So the comfort of Haftorah is welcomed, Nachamu,
With a promised Jerusalem restored – what does that mean?
Yet with a strong caution since our ephemeral flesh will be
As all is, save the Words of HaShem throughout eternity.
None can be likened to HaShem at whose call all will be seen…
So Comfort’s the call as we go to the High Holy Days scene…
A double punishment for Jerusalem was meted
Then reinstated with the Shechinah when completed.
So all now should feel comforted and ready to rebuild
A highway to Zion for all folks' spirits to be filled
With a desire to follow Laws and do Mitzvot as willed
By HaShem who's eternal; as a shepherd shepherds all.
However, we who are but a blip in time must recall
That only HaShem knows the measure of every part
Of Nature and the Universe; alone will decide,
Consulting no other; all seeing, from sight none can hide.
No idols nor men can to HaShem compare as they, too,
Are not permanent, unlike the Source of all evolved new -
That Source: the True Judge of all Creation, all of us, too.
Shabbat Shalom! How can we resist human foibles? At Beit Torah we strive to provide care to the needy as best we can while avoiding corruption and greed …
Eikev 5784 Tikun Olam; Deuteronomy [Devarim] 7:12-11:25; Isaiah 49:14-51:3
This portion reiterated that all People needed to follow the Laws
Or else, it is further stated, there will be curses without pause.
Blessings, respect, admiration by all nations if we are true -
Or if not, infertility plagues and Egyptian diseases we knew
Will return with People’s bad choices regardless of prayer filled voices.
Was it true that the Faithful were promised fertility and health?
Would that not give guilt feelings in the ill, barren and poor of wealth?
Reminders of the past recalled forty wilderness wander years,
Of Egypt’s plagues and wonders: miracle at the Sea of Reeds;
Manna as food; broken tablets; water found to provide for needs.
Stiff-neckedness; orneriness; building a golden calf from fears;
Finally receiving the Law at Horeb despite causing Moish tears;
Fire destroying outskirts of camp along with Judges’ Meeting Tent;
Also a plague from gluttony with uncooked quail as they went;
For such weaknesses and much more were these all as punishment sent
While Moshe interceded many times to save from even worse;
He refused to father a nation; preferred to help ours to heed;
Argued: to abandon the Folk, to all nations' scorn would lead.
The Folk built an Ark as per given specs to avoid being cursed -
Made of acacia wood for the replacement tablets to receive...
To Ancestors the Land was promised. ‘Twill be given on their crowns.
A Land of plenty to mines and eats: so give thanks when tummies full!
Then, too, the People’s survival not by their merit but by grace
Of HaShem so they could conquer thirty-one Kings’ Canaanite towns,
Such grace from G!d dislodging nations bit by bit, their Kings disgraced…
It is said those nations were wiped out, but what does that really mean?
Did locals there flee or die? - or just their governments left the scene?
G!d’s largess and Moshe’s pleadings repeatedly saved Aaron’s face
As well as of erring People’s, who’d yet to earn their Holy place
Housing tablets and arks under Aaron's then Eleazar's pull.
Discard all tainted by idolatry sins - no gold should you take;
Heed, you’re told: shun idolatry; treat all with no favors nor bribes
Just as HaShem does follow Laws; care for the widows and strangers,
Fatherless, converts, as you should your own family’s weal and lives.
Faithfully perform all the mitzvot to avoid further dangers…
Do not forget, by becoming prideful, from whence all your bounty came;
Taking credit not yours; forgetting Egypt, thirst, scorpions, snakes:
Hardships to make you mature to avoid becoming doomed again...
Our second Shema paragraph, therein included, clearly stated:
Follow Laws, love HaShem to be blessed. Be faithful so all goes well.
Care for livestock, the less fortunate, and children before yourselves.
If these things aren’t done, you’ll be cursed. Bless HaShem when you are sated.
So to succeed in all you do, to the Mitzvot you must stay true!
Haftorah, Isaiah 49
HaShem promised to rebuild and restore the Folk
After they felt abandoned by G!d in the Land.
Yet G!d never forgot the wayward People's plight.
Abraham's and Sarah's G!d-Promised Land post-flight
To their G!d Chosen Children as the Future's Light!
So Isaiah asked: 'How could this possibly be?
For HaShem sees all deserving of praise or woe -
Saw how your stolen kids were raised by pagan hands,
Hands which will return those children, set karma free
To pay their evil in kind, as HaShem decides…
Perhaps with penance work to keep themselves alive?
Now I, Isaiah, proudly show myself to all
As I trust in HaShem unlike they who light fires
With their distrust of G!d to flail in burning pain.
So listen to me now! You must Justice desire;
Remember your Ancestors from whom we all gain
Our love of HaShem, the Brit, Mitzvot we all seek
To find comfort, Zion rebuilt into Eden complete
With gladness, joy, thanksgiving, and musical treats.'
Hence a similar vein in Haftorah we find
As HaShem cares for offspring, cautions them to mind
With pronouncements and deserved punishments dished out
Calling all: pursue Justice, the Holy revere
As we recall our forebears who answered the call
To seek justice as we should to prevent our fall;
To reach comfort, fruitfulness, joys bringing us near
With gladness, sweet music, thanksgiving, love and cheer!
Shabbat Shalom! At Beit Torah we ask how we can be a light unto the nations …
Re’eh 5784, Choices; Deuteronomy [Devarim] 11:26-16:17; Isaiah 54:11-55:5
This is the well known portion with focus on one thing:
When one is given to choose between curse and blessing,
One should choose life for the blessings, many it will bring,
Not like barren Ebal but like the lush Gerizim -
Both west of Jordan River where Folk entered the Land
In which they would follow rules and Laws as HaShem planned.
They were supposed to heed HaShem's preparing Nations
To be taken by the Folk at every station...
They were first still to wipe out all the idolatry,
All forms considered evil, including folk you’ll see
Encouraging your false worship – hence they all should be
Destroyed – including false prophets, even family…
Subverted false prophet town totally gone astray
Must with all inhabitants be to the ground all razed.
This is uncomfortable to hear in today’s world.
We will not do as they did with harsh killing unfurled.
Challenges to keep you faithful are a test, you see.
How you handle them determines how righteous you'll be.
To get those desired blessings, worship as you are told,
Not as others do. Bless the future with good and right
As you rejoice appointed times with all your household,
With sacred and freewill offerings, with feasts at night…
By these commands were men addressed? And their wives too?
Not mentioned anywhere were wives! Confusing are forms
Of commands, male and plural! Were 'households' made true
With wives included? or at home with babes as per norms?
Recall: all of the blood is to be poured on the ground -
No self-mutilations among you are to be found …
Permitted foods are listed as was noted before,
Save for the eating of locusts permitted no more.
For some urban dwellers it is easier to do -
For farmers post-influx just locusts are left to eat…
Further, do not boil a kid in its mama’s milk too
And do not consume natural death carrion meat!
All offerings should be at the designated place,
Although must be observed even if too far away -
So if tithes the trip to the Holy Site won’t survive
Then they are to be sold with all funds hence to be used
On many goods at the designated Holy See
Of the Levites’ refuge, to boost the economy,
While making sure strangers, orphans, widows, and needy
Are always provided for not just on all feasts!
Now each seventh year remission of debts for the poor
Expected to default yet still given loans before…
Further release of indentured servants if they want
So all released plus the poor can get a new start…
Compassion’s the lesson for generations to flaunt…
We’re told the first born are consecrated to the Priests.
No repeat mention is made of the Pidyon HaBen…
Of importance it is said to celebrate all Feasts:
Pascal offering, seven unleavened days, and then
The Feast of Weeks and of Booths the whole household rejoices
At pilgrimage times with Feast special rites until when:
Sephard unblemished offered; Ashkenaz other choices…
Haftorah, Isaiah
This Haftorah tries to comfort the forlorn
Saying scholars will be children yet unborn;
Destroyed buildings rebuilt in beautiful form;
Safety from wars and slander will be achieved
If faithful to Laws the forlorn will then be.
For hunger and thirst, food and drink will be free.
Be righteous so protected from harm you'll be.
So too, all of your endeavors will succeed!
After they learn to know and respect your norm,
Your knowledge and counsel the Nations will seek.
Shabbat Shalom! At Beit Torah we should seek honor and integrity in our judges and leaders …
Shoftim 5784 Honor and Integrity; Deuteronomy [Devarim] 16:18-21:9; Isaiah51:12-52:12
We read: “Justice, Justice shall you pursue”
With humble Kings who know Laws to be strict;
With impartial Judges and taking no bribes;
With two witnesses needed to convict
And cast the very stones to take those lives
Of idolaters or who verdicts flee
From Judges’ decisions or those of Priests
When Judges can't decide who should be free…
If one subverts verdict so it won’t be,
Then that one must lose life as penalty...
Now if a witness a false statement gives,
And an investigation proves it so,
(Regardless whether damage done to rue),
Then full punishment for the crime is his.
Paid equivalent for each loss you know -
Eye worth for eye... or tooth, hand, foot as you go…
Mellows Hammurabi’s harsh edict so!
When Folk are settled in the Land,
Three refuge cities there are planned,
Three more elsewhere if all goes well
For manslaughterers to restart
Since spilt innocent blood brings shame
To all Folk under this Land's name!
If murder with intent instead,
To blood-avenger until dead…
There is always much to be truly judged:
Whether some boundary markers were moved?
Whether a prophet is true one or false?
If false, should die – but how can it be proved?
Jeremiah said doubt if a prophet is 'true'
When popularly received as no pain ensued.
Some folk say "false" if for other gods speaking out
Or claimed with deceit: HaShem caused prophet's loud shout...
Still how can we tell when deceit needs to be proved?
If claiming "false" we are wrong, it is clear we'll lose!
A chosen Monarch like a Judge should be...
Ever loyal to HaShem, humble, true,
Not haughty, faithful to Laws’ study too,
Not alien foreigner nor a hoarder
Of gold and silver nor of wives or steeds…
No exchange with Egypt for any needs…
No altars save only to HaShem,
(No poles or pillars of stone will please),
Unblemished offered, no deities.
Support the Levites with sacrifices,
Offerings, gifts for these landless as tithes
Wherever be their communities.
So if a human corpse on the road is found,
Responsibility’s on the nearest town
To bury, but Levites must clear the site,
Purify and absolve all guilt and fright.
Death if heathen acts are done, dispossessed:
Sacrificer of kids; caster of spells;
Consulter with ghosts, spirits or the dead;
An auger; diviner; or sorcerer;
A soothsayer to be cast out as well.
As any of these you must not become,
Nor push kids there, neither daughter nor son!
Now in battle do not fear. HaShem with you will be near!
In war you must preserve women, children, fruit trees and vines
So that after the battles one can collect grapes for wines.
Even as the fellow with new unused vineyard released,
So too, the betrothed or one afraid, home sent they’re to be...
Released too: draftees with homestead dedication need...
Offer surrender before battle save to some locals
To be killed for fear that idolatry might be increased.
Yet now's ethos abhors actions with prisoners deceased!
To comfort those in deep dread and fear,
Isaiah: 'stand tall, proclaim your faith
To the Holy Name, one who is near,
Who marches with you if you’re sincere.'
Isaiah said, 'These are HaShem's words to be heard':
"I am the one to comfort you short-lived mortals -
I, the Source of all the Heaven's and Earth's portals...
While you feel the rage of oppressors, I protect
You, my People, as I stir all the seas to roar
To regain unguided kids, raised on foreign floors...
For your tragedies, on tormentors my wrath'll be.
Although horrors plagued you when you forgot your Brit
While by Nations my name was given no respect,
Zion, once you're awake, rebuild yourselves restored
So that the unrighteous will enter you no more.
Nations will honor how you love Hashem’s words
While you’ll be happy, good fortuned, and in all succeed.
Recover from exile. From temptation be free.
In order to be able to see, embrace me
So that your return to the pure all will perceive
As you march into the future along with me..."
Shabbat Shalom! At Beit Torah we strive to follow the laws relevant to modern times.
Ki Tetzei 5784 Old Way to Live; Deuteronomy [Devarim] 21:10-25:19; Isaiah 54:1-10
This portion’s seventy-four mitzvot we find,
But not all appear in these comments in kind:
Treat fair captives kindly, marry or release;
Give less loved wife a double portion increase;
Gal post-second husband can’t return to first;
Women’s rights not great – other nations were worse;
Although captive women were allowed to mourn
Personal losses with nails clipped and hair shorn,
They then could be forced to their captor be wed.
If he comes to hate her, she'd be freed instead.
Newlywed exemptions like from army draft;
Sex, slave traders should be executed fast;
Hence kidnappers must not be allowed to last!
Nocturnal emission? Bathe and wait the day;
Rape of not betrothed means bride price must be paid;
Rapist of betrothed like adulterers die,
Including women in town not heard to cry
(adulteress wed gal with non-husband guy);
Prove virginity at marriage, else no go;
Without such proof, how many innocents died?
Killed as non-virgin although with no man lied?
Sex with close relatives is a big no-no;
In a fashion quite unlike Patriarch ways:
Firstborn inherits double portion those days
Even if that child's born of an unloved mate
And ignoring best-suited's and youngest's fates...
No mixtures of work animals, threads, or seeds;
On outer clothing one needs to put tzitzits;
Shield escaped servants; just nest’s eggs to be used;
Make sure your homes are safe with guard rails for roofs;
Vows are to be honored as noted before;
Lepers like Miriam follow their Priests’ lore;
Shun bastards, maimed, Moabites, and Ammonites…
For ten generations for the latter two,
Grandkids okay of Egyptians, Edomites...
Says Bilaam cursed us - in fact did not so do!
Lending’s at no interest among the Folk.
With no inflation worries, ‘twasn’t a joke!
Collateral of needs not to be taken
For loans to servants, widows, fatherless, poor,
Such as a mill or millstones, night clothes, and more;
For these people and for strangers, too, recall
To leave olives, grapes, and field gleanings for all.
Collection of debts’ not to endanger souls
Nor intimidate by forced entry to homes,
There’s no collective family sin assigned
For individual’s guilty act we find;
Even for cults, harlotry, defiant sons,
Cross-dressing or failure to pay wages same day won,
Pay those workers before going home at night,
No false weights or altered measures to your likes.
Don't support a Temple with prostitute's pay!
Israelite women must not act that cult way!
For all those sins for which guilty’s life is paid,
They’re to be impaled for view until end of day.
However for defiant sons "buts' were made
(after parents’ flogging did not change their ways),
Allowances on when that law was then stayed,
So many restrictions were oft put in place
That they say no son ever died thus to this day...
Judgments can be given up to forty blows.
No excess punishment was allowed you know...
If a brother’s levirate marriage is refused,
The widow in public then spits in his shoe.
If wife defends husband crushing attacker’s balls,
Her hand’s to be cut off! What a sexist call!
Had hubby protected wife in such a way,
What charges would be made? What would Judges say?
Care for all wayward animals until claimed;
Do not muzzle oxen as they tread their grain;
If livestock is in distress, help fix the mess.
This means all critter abuse we must detest!
Remember Amalek who preyed on the weak,
Who must be wiped out each year, every week!
Which of these ‘mitzvot’ should we observe today?
Haftorah isaiah 54:1-10
A favorite Haftorah appears this week
As only ten short verses to read there be!
Says promised to Noah: no Flood e'er again,
But what if global warming melts a Pole then?
From barren to fruitful inhabited Land
Is promised by HaShem with kindness and peace,
Leaving behind anger and rebuke now canned,
Returning comfort with compassion’s increase.
Shabbat Shalom! At Beit Torah we seek ways to reaffirm our dedication to the Brit and the Mitzvot:
Ki Tavo 5784 ReDedication; Deuteronomy [Devarim] 26:1-29:8; Isaiah 60:1-22
This discourse further explains Sinai's Mt. Horeb's Brit
With details of outcomes: Blessings and curses replete.
So we start this week’s portion with a simple refrain:
All first fruits we give to HaShem in thanks for the Land
While we recall Laban’s treachery in Aram pain;
Times in Egypt with servitude oppressing each man…
These instructions were given by Moab’s plain
By River Jordan’s west side at our camp’s stand:
After you arrive, collect yearly tithes from the Land:
First year's tithes for Priests; second for Jerusalem's gain;
Resolve to care for strangers, Levites, needy, and poor
With third year's tithes collected for them to get even more!
Yet what are non-agriculture professions' tithes score?
If all mitzvot followed correctly, renown’s at hand.
Upon entry to the Promised Land, the Folk were told
In order for folk to reaffirm the Holy Brit
They needed to write the Law on twelve pillar steles,
Plaster covered like Egypt’s, but in this Land won’t hold
[Too wet!], these twelve placed on Mount Ebal for all to see…
Six tribes stood on Ebal and six others Gerizim,
First: Shimon, Lev, Judah, Issachar, Joe, Ben;
Other: Gad, Asher, Zeb, Dan, Naphtali, Reuven.
With Cohanim and altar in the valley below
As blessings were pronounced, all said, “Amen” in clear voice
Just as in prayer services of later years we know.
All Folk remembered well this event of our Brit choice.
The Blessings were clearly coming from observing rules:
Such as fertility in family, flocks and fields;
Surpluses in many products; with plenty of food;
Enemies will be scattered; safety in travel too.
So all will be approached from the head, not the tail/ heels!
Plus do not chase success. Let it come surely to you!
Then the curses were so listed in spades
For surreptitious acts: accepting bribes;
For violating Parents: Dads, their wives;
For assault in secret, taking of lives;
Moving land boundaries; misdirecting
Of the disabled, them not protecting;
Like not caring for fatherless, strangers,
And the widows to keep them from dangers;
For, too, illicit sex hidden from day;
For all those who refused still to obey:
Weather calamities, blessings reversed,
With pandemics, inflammations, folks cursed…
Madness, abuse at the hands of others…
Infidelities, idolatries, pests,
Panic, corpse rotting, kids as slaves brothers,
Infestations, infections, no nerve rest…
Strangers rule, no place as home, projects doomed…
As in Lamentations, all horrors loomed…
By ever increasing fear, thoughts that Folk would be plagued,
Cursing all communities and folk for their straying...
But unlike readings before, death's not the curse there for!
Curses that are described read like Lamentations lore...
An encouraging closing is meted out to all:
Taken as a blessing in the East, the five Kings fall
With success from Reuven’s, Gad’s, and half-Menashe’s call
On the River’s East, so too on the West: Success with Gall!
Isaiah’s haftorah promises this week:
Even when other nations sit in the dark
There will come a time when deserving you are
Then HaShem will speed redemption’s placation
So that you will excel among all nations.
You will be returned to favor near and far.
As curses reversed, enemy offspring's cursed
Yet they too will honor your wisdom and you
Since Light on you will illuminate your mark
So that all sorts of bounty, yours if you seek:
Flourishing trade with economic boom;
Fertile families and business stations;
Victory without violence will resume!
Then all’s prospering and Peace throughout the Land!
Bright days and nights, hence no need for sun nor moon...
Our small nation will have honor in the world,
Our flag equal among all nations unfurled!
HaShem will glory in our mighty nation
Planted here with our Brit as a stronghold grand!